Product at Propylon®: Structured Controls for Updating Content with the Content Dashboard

Customer-centricity is at the heart of how we approach product at Propylon. We work with our clients to develop solutions that work for them, that solve their biggest challenges now and into the future. Our Product at Propylon series spotlights the features and updates we’re implementing to help our clients make real, positive progress. This sprint, we’ve been busy putting finishing touches on the Content Dashboard.
Managing Task Status in the TimeArc® Content Dashboad.

Implement a standardized approach to updates

Many organizations in heavily regulated industries are challenged by an unsystematic, ad hoc approach to managing change.

The Content Dashboard centralizes content that has changed over a time period. Staff can view internal and external content associated with an update in one place and be alerted if a link has lapsed, i.e., an external piece of content has been updated and the link needs to be checked.

With the Content Dashboard, there is no longer a need to rely on email and risk missing an update. Instead, your staff can work with rigorous controls and implement a formalized approach to reviewing and approving edits.

Your teams can:

  • Manage the status of a piece of content
  • Manage alerts for content that needs to be updated
  • Get complete visibility over content, to the micro level
  • Monitor business tagging of content
  • Track in-progress content changes
  • Save useful filters for future use
Content with lapsed links or related content that has changed are signaled to the user with alerts.

Drive consistency across your content

The Content Dashboard lets you manage content with structured processes, identify lapsed links and quickly understand the system of content quality management. As updates from standards bodies can result in a domino impact of change across everything from templates to Excel checklists, your organization can slash the burden of compliance needed to mitigate the risk of documents being out of synch with the latest updates. Talk to us about implementing the Content Dashboard at your organization.