How to Optimize your Prospectus Development Process

The European Union’s regulatory landscape presents multifaceted challenges for investment funds, particularly those structured as SICAVs (Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable). These challenges stem from the need to comply with stringent disclosure requirements while ensuring transparency for investors. SICAVs, as open-ended investment companies, face intricate tasks related to drafting and maintaining prospectus documents, providing accurate information, and adhering to evolving regulations.

Lengthy approval processes, cross-border hurdles, translations and ongoing compliance requirements often impede swift product launches and flexibility. Streamlining the management of prospectuses and disclosures is thus crucial, unlocking greater efficiency, reducing time to market, and mitigating the risk of costly compliance missteps.

So, what are those challenges and how can they be addressed

Challenge One: Collaboration and Version Control Inefficiencies

Problem Solution
Multiple stakeholders (legal, operations, marketing, compliance) collaborate on these documents. Tracking changes, managing approvals, and ensuring everyone is working from the latest version becomes a bottleneck.

XML and PDF editors can introduce additional complexities for professionals trying to edit and collaborate. These tools may be missing the purpose-built features that are essential for managing ongoing changes to documents in accordance with the latest updates, such as change controls, audit trails and the ability to reuse content.

Lawyers may push back on these tools and want to continue using Microsoft Word. The Word document is then sent for review via email. However, using email to manage multiple versions of large Word files causes issues, one being that in the course of the work, two versions of the content will often be created.
One platform should be generated to create a single source of truth that integrates with data systems to reduce the risk of inconsistencies – a platform with built-in review and approval workflows, version history, and clear audit trails.

Content reuse should be leveraged to minimize the duplication of review when updating content. This streamlines collaboration and reduces the risk of miscommunication. Microsoft Word editing capabilities let internal experts, external lawyers and regulators collaborate using familiar features, eliminating the potential for pushback and even tool abandonment.

Multiple stakeholders collaborate on these documents. Tracking changes, managing approvals, and ensuring everyone is working from the latest version becomes a bottleneck.

Challenge Two: Time and Resource Pressures

Problem Solution
Generating prospectus documents, PCDs and web disclosures manually is slow and costly. Content often ends up duplicated across sub-funds, which not only increases manual reviews by high-cost legal staff but magnifies the risk of errors with multiple versions in play.
Seek technology solutions with high levels of automation for content creation, reuse updates, and formatting, thus saving significant time and human effort. Templates should be used to minimize the risk of inconsistencies and duplication of effort.

Challenge Three: Translation Costs

Problem Solution
Translating these documents manually is slow and costly, diverting resources from core activities.
Implementing automated reports to highlight updated paragraphs cuts the amount of time spent identifying changes manually, thereby reducing the amount of content that needs to be translated. Efficiency climbs as does accuracy.

Challenge Four: Regulatory Complexity and Constant Change

Problem Solution
The regulatory landscape for these documents is dense and varied across jurisdictions. Keeping up with evolving requirements is time-consuming and prone to compliance risks.
Utilize tools that integrate regulatory updates, provide jurisdiction-specific templates, and offer automated content checks to help maintain compliance.

Challenge Five: Data Management and Consistency

Problem Solution
Fund information (performance, holdings, fees, etc.) is often scattered across systems. Ensuring accuracy and consistency across SICAV, PCD, and web disclosures is labor-intensive and error prone.
Integrate solutions with your company’s data sources or employ built-in data management tools. This centralizes information and enables automatic updates across different documents.

Microsoft Word editing capabilities let internal experts, external lawyers and regulators collaborate using familiar features, eliminating the potential for pushback and even tool abandonment.

Challenge Six: Efficiently manage variations of content for local requirements or for unique product features

Problem Solution
Without the right features, it can be challenging to link localized versions of content or variations for different products to the master version. If the master version is updated, your team will need to assess the impact across all sub-funds and versions.
Component-based content models allow your teams to manage content as small fragments, not only giving the ability to reuse content where needed, but also linking related content.

Challenge Seven: Reduce Legal Costs

Problem Solution
In order to offer securities to the public or gain admission to trading on a regulated market within the European Economic Area (EEA), the prospectus must receive approval from the competent authority in the EEA state where the issuer is located. This often involves multiple reviews and proposed changes by legal teams and regulators. Once approved, the prospectus must be published and made available to the public.
Your team can speed up the time to market with tools that enable lawyers and regulators to review content seamlessly. This process will be different in France, Ireland and Luxembourg and as such, the tools should adapt as necessary. Regulators have different delivery and format requirements. This is another area where a single source publishing platform can help organizations meet increasingly complex regulatory demands.

Prospectus development: Improved outcomes with Microsoft Word

Addressing these challenges is critical for improving risk management, regulatory compliance, collaboration and time-to-market. Leveraging component-based content models can provide your organization with the foundation for success. The good news is that structured content benefits can be realized without departing from familiar tools like Microsoft Word. Consider exploring solutions like TimeArc to support these objectives effectively.